Recently announced Sony Xperia Go android Smartphone is now available in India for Rs. 18,999 at Flipkart & Infibeam. The waterproof & dust resistance Smartphone 3.5-inch scratch-resistant TFT touchscreen, 1 GHz NovaThor Dual-Core Cortex A9 processor, 512 MB of RAM, 5 MP camera with Auto focus & LED flash. Unfortunately Sony Xperia Go runs on old Android 2.3 Gingerbread and you’ve to wait for the Android 4.0 ICS update. The Smartphone made for extra durability with the Highest level of dust, water resistance and Scratch resistant mineral glass display with wet finger tracking.
Sony Xperia Go is available in three different colors: Black, White & Yellow.
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Sony Xperia Go Specifications:
CPU | 1 GHz NovaThor™ U8500 Dual-core Cortex A9 |
GPU | ARM Mali 400 |
OS | Android v2.3 Gingerbread (Upgradable to Android 4.0 ICS) |
Display | 3.5-inch scratch-resistant TFT touchscreen, 16 million colours, 480 x 320 pixels |
Dimension | 111 x 60.3 x 9.8 mm |
Weight | 110g |
Camera | 5 megapixel camera with LED flash and Auto focus 720p HD video recording 3D Sweep Panorama Face detection and Smile detection |
Connectivity | USB High speed 2.0 and Micro USB support Wi-Fi DLNA Bluetooth |
Memory | Internal storage: 8 GB (up to 4 GB user-accessible memory) RAM: 512 MB SDCard: Up to 32 GB |
Battery | Talktime: Up to 6 hours, 30 min Standby time: 520 hours |
Additional Features | TrackID music recognition xLOUD Experience – audio filter technology from Sony 3D surround sound Reality display with Mobile BRAVIA® Engine Scratch-resistant, anti-reflection coating on mineral glass Dust and water resistant |
Sony Xperia Go Price in India:
Sony Xperia Go is available for Rs. 18,999 with 1 year manufacturer warranty for Phone and 6 months warranty for in the box accessories.
Buy Sony Xperia Go