Official BitTorrent Remote client for Android

BitTorrent Remote

BitTorrent had released its official BitTorrent Remote client to the Android market. This app allows users to monitor,manage and control torrent downloads from their Android devices. This app let you connect with your BitTorrent client for Windows and Mac remotely from Android devices. To use this app, You have to enable remote feature in your pc client by supplying username and password and the same password will have used in your Mobile client.

You can check your RSS feeds and start downloads on the go. Use your mobile browser to find torrents and they will automatically be added to your home BitTorrent! Once your download has completed you can shift that file directly back to your Android device for local playback.


BitTorrent Remote also allows users to get a detailed readout of information related to each download, including speed, file size, seeds, and ETA. BitTorrent Remote works with BitTorrent and uTorrent client for Windows and Mac. You will need to download, install and configure your home computer.

Download BitTorrent Remote



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